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Our governance

Our governance:

Advisory group: A group of 6-8 advisors who meet at least 3 times a year to oversee the work and make suggestions from their experiences to the main committee. (Non-legal binding)


Youth Committee: A group of 8-10 young people who meets at least 6 times a year to, get involved in recruiting freelance artists, decide on future activities, and design work)


Volunteers- A group of 12 to 15 volunteers (freelance artists, our client groups, parents’ group, including Social worker, NHS worker, teachers, qualified Youth workers, accountants, Community leaders)


Our Committee and Advisory Group have a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from including JNC qualified Youth Workers, Social Workers, business owners, employers, Solicitors, Ex Banking staff, people working in media and advertising teachers, as well as others who serve on several other community committees for other registered charities.

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